On 28 June 2021 eMedia project consortium, organized an online conference “Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship for All: the e-Media project experience and results”.


“eMedia: Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship for Everyone” aims to promote education for all by producing educational guidelines related to digital practices which consist of three handbooks. These handbooks are supporting possibilities for a new and innovative way of teaching different subjects at school. The handbooks are devoted to three aspects of digital competence:

  1. Educational robotics: to develop computational thinking with hands-on activities
  2. Media literacy: to understand the power and the risks of online media.
  3. Online expression: to promote wiser use of social media, blogs, web radios, and web TVs.

During the online event eMedia team presented the tools, activities and best practices, implemented by the project partners in Belgium, Italy, France, Latvia, and Spain. 

The conference brought together representatives of policy makers and civil society organizations who discussed the importance of media literacy for teachers and educators in formal and non-formal education,  and the main policies that promote media literacy of educators.

Reade more about the project on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/E-media-MEdia-literacy-and-DIgital-citizenship-for-All-107665800620934/

