On June 18 the local dissemination event of the Erasmus + project "eMedia: MEDIA Literacy and Digital Citizenship for All" took place, sharing the results of the project and informing about the materials developed during the project.

 Within the framework of the project, 3 handbooks have been developed as support material for teachers to supplement their knowledge of:

  • Educational robotics - the handbook will provide information on what is educational robotics, what pedagogical principles should be considered when using educational robotics, will provide information on free and open-source resources, as well as practical examples of using robotics in lessons.
  • Media literacy - the handbook will provide information on how to use different media, focusing on online social media relevant to young people, what pedagogical principles should be taken into account when talking about media literacy, as well as false news and how to recognize them.
  • Online expression - the handbook will provide information on the media formats available on the Internet today (television, radio and print media).

Massive open online courses (MOOC) on the Moodle platform have also been developed to support teachers in learning about:

In total 90 teachers from all around the Latvia joined the online event to learn more about the eduactional robotics and media literacy.

About the Project


University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, Pedagogical Research Institute in cooperation with organizations from France (La Ligue de l'enseignement), Italy (Scuola di Robotica and ARCI), Spain (SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa) and Belgium (ALL Digital) in September 2018 launched the Erasmus + project "eMedia: MEDIA Literacy and Digital Citizenship for All" (2018-1-FR01-KA201-048117).

Project eMedia Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/E-media-MEdia-literacy-and-DIgital-citizenship-for-All-107665800620934/ 

 Attēls, kurā ir teksts Apraksts ģenerēts automātiski   Attēls, kurā ir balts, aizvērt Apraksts ģenerēts automātiski      Attēls, kurā ir teksts, klipkopa Apraksts ģenerēts automātiski    Attēls, kurā ir teksts, cimdi, apģērbs Apraksts ģenerēts automātiski 
