Profesors Ģirts Dimdiņš māca sociālo psiholoģiju un politikas psiholoģiju, kā arī lasa ievadkursu par zinātniskās komunikācijas principiem. Darbojies vairākos pētniecības projektos kopīgi ar kolēģiem no LU, Stokholmas Universitātes un SSE Riga. Strādājis par personāla vadības konsultantu SIA Fontes Latvija. Ģirta Dimdiņa pētnieciskās intereses ietver tādas sfēras kā politiskās un ekonomiskās attieksmes, ideoloģiskā orientācija un ar to saistītie individuālo atšķirību mainīgie lielumi, starpgrupu uztvere, morālie spriedumi.


Svarīgākās publikācijas


Dimdins, G. (2002). Ethnic identification and in-group bias. A study of ethnic identification and in-group bias among Latvian and Russian students, living in Latvia. In: P. Boski, F. J. R. van de Vivjer, & A. M. Chodynicka (Eds.), New directions in cross-cultural psychology: Selected papers from the Fifteenth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (pp. 339-350). Warsaw: Polish Psychological Association.


Dimdins, G., Montgomery, H., & Austers, I. (2003). The false polarization effect in explanations of attitudinal behavior. Current Research in Social Psychology, 8, 275-301.


Dimdins, G., & Montgomery, H. (2004). Differentiating in-group favoritism from shared reality in intergroup perception. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 45, 417-427.


Dimdins, G., Montgomery, H., & Austers, I. (2005). Differentiating explanations of attitude-consistent behavior: The role of perspectives and mode of perspective taking. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 46, 97-106.

Dimdins, G., & Montgomery, H. (2005). Attitudes towards freedom and equality among Swedish and American students. In F. Tersman (Ed.), Democracy unbound - Basic explorations. Stockholm Studies in Democratic Theory (pp. 29-43). Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet, Filosofiska Institutionen.


Dimdins, G, & Montgomery, H. (2007). Effects of framing on perceptions of economic freedom, economic equality, and social justice. In: F. Tersman (Ed.), Democracy unbound: Basic explorations. Stockholm Studies in Democratic Theory, Vol. 2 (pp. 33-52). Stockholm: Filosofiska Institutionen, SU.


Calmfors, L., Dimdins, G., Gustafsson, M., Montgomery, H., & Stavlot, U. (2009). Trade in services and in goods with low-wage countries: How do attitudes differ and how are they formed? (SIEPS Report No. 2009:6). Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies.

Dimdins, G., & Montgomery, H. (2009). Negative and positive stakes in plural voting: An experimental study. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 10, 14-24.


Rozcenkova, A., & Dimdins, G. (2010). The relationship between self-reported transformational leadership and social identification in the military. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 11, 5-17.


Calmfors, L., Dimdins, G., Gustafsson Senden, M., Montgomery, H., & Stavlot, U. (2011). Uppfattas tjänstehandel som mindre rättvis än varuhandel? En studie av attityder till låglönekonkurrens i utrikeshandel. [Is trade in services perceived as less fair than trade in goods? A study of attitudes towards low wage competition in international trade] Uppsala: IFAU - Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvärdering.

Dimdins, G., Montgomery, H., & Norell, E. (2011). Egalitarian vs. proportional voting in various contexts: An experimental study. Onati Socio-Legal Series, 1(5), 1-20.

Rozcenkova, A., & Dimdins, G. (2011). Emotional intelligence as a mediator between commanders' transformational leadership and soldiers' social identification with their unit in the military. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 12, 59-72.


Calmfors, L., Dimdins, G., Gustafsson Senden, M., Montgomery, H., & Stavlot, U. (2012). Why do people dislike low-wage trade competition with posted workers in the service sector? (CESifo Working Paper No. 3842). Munich: CESifo Group.

Dimdins, G. (2012). Development of an ideological orientation scale: The challenges of measuring the economic dimension of ideology. In A. Gasiorowska & T. Zaleskiewicz (Eds.), Microcosm of economic psychology: Proceedings of the IAREP CONFERENCE WROCLAW 2012 (pp. 313-318). Wroclaw: Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty in Wroclaw.


Calmfors, L., Dimdins, G., Sendén, M. G., Montgomery, H., & Stavlöt, U. (2013). Why do people dislike low-wage trade competition with posted workers in the service sector? The Journal of Socio-Economics, 47, 82-93.

Katšena, L., & Dimdiņš, Ģ. (2013). Gender and age group differences in stereotypes about mental health care providers. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4, 185-190.